Units and Measurements class 11 questions and answersCH.PHYSICSApr 24, 20201 min readUpdated: May 3, 2020Very Short Answer Questions1) Define one astronomical unit2) One micron = ________ meter3) How many fermi are there in one meter4) Write the abbreviation for RADAR, SONAR, and LASER5) Obtain the Dimensional formula & give units for the following physical quantities. a) Acceleration b) Areal Velocity c) Co-efficient of viscosity d) Force e) Impulse f) Power g) Moment of Inertia h) Young’s modulus i) Gravitational Constant j) Planck’s constant6) Mention three physical quantities that have no dimensions.7) Write the SI unit of temperature and electric current. ANSWERS - Click Here
Very Short Answer Questions1) Define one astronomical unit2) One micron = ________ meter3) How many fermi are there in one meter4) Write the abbreviation for RADAR, SONAR, and LASER5) Obtain the Dimensional formula & give units for the following physical quantities. a) Acceleration b) Areal Velocity c) Co-efficient of viscosity d) Force e) Impulse f) Power g) Moment of Inertia h) Young’s modulus i) Gravitational Constant j) Planck’s constant6) Mention three physical quantities that have no dimensions.7) Write the SI unit of temperature and electric current. ANSWERS - Click Here